Each year I am commissioned by Moffly Media to photograph portraits of those in Fairfield County who work tirelessly to help those in need. The images appear in the November & December issues of all the Fairfield County magazine and features locals who were nominated to receive recognition for all of the giving that they do to make the world a better place. It was a special honor to have my images grace the cover of the November issue of Greenwich Magazine, where each award winner was featured on the cover. Each winner was also featured in a 12 page spread inside each magazine.

Please make sure to pick up the current issue of Greenwich Magazine, Stamford Magazine, New Canaan – Darien Magazine, Fairfield Living Magazine, and Westport Magazine to read about these inspiring heroes living right here in Fairfield County. It has been humbling to photograph these special people over the last few years.
If you need inspiration and want to get an understanding of all the great progress taking place in our community join Moffly Media each year at the Westport Playhouse to celebrate all the progress and good work happening now!

I love creating portraits for local businesses and magazines.
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